Thursday, March 17, 2022

HPE - Enable Jumbo Frames - 3500yl EDGE Switch


I usually enable jumbo frames on all my switches as part of tuning network performance. This particular setting is beneficial for large transfers, ie in the gigabyte or terabyte range. The endpoints must be able to support jumbo frames or this will not work. If you have virtual switches on the network be sure to configure them for jumbo frames as well.

Start Here:

Login to your HPE switch. Type what is in bold only. Enter is pressed after each command. (This should work with other HPE switches however I do not have an exhaustive list. Consult your manual here if you run into any syntax issues).

After login type:
    <switch># config

You are now in config mode. (After you type this command, in the rightmost column you'll see whether or not Jumbo Frames are enabled on said VLAN:
    <switch>(config)# show vlans

Do not type the < or > character; you just need to insert the VLAN ID# below:
    <switch>(config)# vlan <ID#> jumbo

Check if the setting applied successfully:
    <switch>(config)# show vlans

Save your changes to the switch:
    <switch>(config)# write memory

Logout from the switch.

Next Step:

Be sure to configure any devices in between this switch and including endpoint to support jumbo frames.


If you'd like to disable Jumbo Frames for testing, type only what is in bold below while at the CLI:

    <switch>(config)# show vlans
    <switch>(config)# no vlan <ID#> jumbo
    <switch>(config)# show vlans
    <switch>(config)# write memory

The commands above will do the following:
  1. You will see the VLAN Jumbo table.
  2. You'll turn off jumbo packets for whichever VLAN ID# you type in.
  3. You'll verify the setting changed.
  4. Finally you'll write the changes to memory.


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