Friday, March 15, 2024

Microsoft Teams - How to Download a View-Only Teams Meeting Recorded Video



I had asked for a video to be recorded with during an interaction with a vendor so I could reference it later. Upon receiving the email with the link I quickly realized you can't download it locally to save. There's another caveat:

According to this post (, new video recordings will automatically expire 60 days after they are recorded if no action is taken, except for A1 (education license) users who will receive a max 30-day default setting.

Since we have no clue what other admins have set as the default time expiration, we need a way to download a copy of the video to reference in the future asap. Microsoft presents the video as view-only and it cannot be downloaded.


  1. Open Chrome (or the browser of your choice) and load the page with the video that you want to download.
  2. Open page inspector (Ctrl + Shift + C).
  3. Click on the Network tab.
  4. Type "videomanifest" where it says “Filter URLs“.
  5. Press F5 to refresh the page.
  6. When the page reloads, copy the file URL. See below:

Next we'll use FFmpeg to download the video from the URL above:

ffmpeg -i "https://videomanifest_url" -codec copy output.mp4
